Knowing When To Quit

For a short while, I was not sure where I was (Photo by Deji Prince: Pexels)

There is a saying that ‘quitters never win’. Lemme at whoever made up that lie! I used to believe it too but I have learnt that in fact, it is impossible to be a winner if you don’t know when or how to quit.

I knew it was time to quit my career when one day I had spatial disorientation. Not sure there is a medical term for what happened to me, but I boarded a flight in Lagos Nigeria heading for Kaduna that Friday afternoon and just as we began to taxi for take-off, I panicked as I heard the flight attendant announce that we were bound for Kaduna. I strained to get her attention and tried to explain to my bemused co-passengers: ‘I am on the wrong flight’. It took a few more minutes to unscramble my flight-fatigued mind and remember that I was actually on the right flight. Having flown into about four airports in the space of five days, my mind was on auto-pilot. I was used to flying into Abuja from Lagos on Fridays, so for a moment I forgot that I was leaving Lagos this time to attend a meeting in Kaduna and not going home to Abuja as I had always done and should ordinarily have been doing on a Friday! Temporary insanity? I was dreadfully embarrassed as my error dawned on me and could only thank God it was not an international flight as the pilot might have been forced by international terrorism protocol to drop me off on some remote island airport for disrupting the flight.

If you are on a journey headed nowhere, QUIT! If you are stuck in a self-defeating circle or destructive behaviour, QUIT! If your lifestyle is taking more out of you than it is giving you, QUIT, QUIT, QUIT!!


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