Warrior Princess: The beginning beckons…

The Warrior Princess: Yvonne

Do you know what it’s like to be given news that could be deemed a death sentence?

This blog is the story of my journey dealing with a Cancer diagnosis.  My theory is that my faith in God and tenacity as an African woman, have contributed to my triumph in the face of adversity.

A relatively healthy young woman with no need for medical care for as long as I could remember, I had started to notice that I was losing weight and felt a lump on my left side– but put it down to the fact that I hardly ate anything and had started exercising to tone my stomach muscles and had probably pulled a muscle.

I was totally numb when finally given the diagnosis and rushed home to pay off all my bills – never question the reasoning of a confused mind. I remember calling my Cousin-in-law. When I told him, he suggested I phoned the Andrew Womack prayer line. The lady at the other end was compassionate enough, but I knew I needed stronger prayers – I put that down to the African woman in me – we take what belongs to us ‘by fire and by force’. I can honestly tell you I slept VERY well that night.

It is this belief in a power larger than me and other than myself which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable

Maya Angelou

I woke up and had a conversation with God – telling him I could not do this alone – I knew that only prayer could make a difference. As I was always on Facebook – the Holy Spirit suggested that I contact my friends on Facebook to support me in prayer. I initially sent an email to those I believed were Christians but this resulted in me receiving numerous messages of concern. I again was inspired to create a “group” which I named Yvonne’s Pillars of Support and invited my friends and theirs to join in support.

Ignoring the negative stereotypes of black women and holding on to the positive, black women are perceived as pillars of strength – nurturing, resilient and STRONG (with connotations of being Independent), a perception that I have always been proud to accept. I would not however have imagined that I would be able to withstand a personal burden of this magnitude, yet emerge totally prepared to face the demands of life – until this happened..
Here’s the first message I sent:

February 26 at 2:32pm
Hi everyone – sorry to those this is going to come as a shock to but I’ve been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.

Naturally I reject the works of the devil in my life but must respond to the war he has declared.

I’m so blessed having found that like the cripple in Mark: 2 I have friends ready to hoist me through a roof – if necessary, to obtain my divine healing. For this I am truly grateful.

God has shown me with signs and wonders that he is ahead of me in this one, with me and behind me. Words cannot express my reverence for the God we serve.

Though the battle is won on my side, I must turn up to fight. My request is that if you are able to, you stand with me in agreeing that the evil report the devil has prepared for me on Monday 1st of March 2010 @09:15 AM is negated miraculously by the blood and in the mighty name of Jesus.

I’m meeting with a group of clinicians to discuss my options and will try to ensure I don’t get “sectioned” via the “mental health act” as I rebuke their every negative report as they speak it.

I have purposed in my heart no matter what is proposed that the only report for me on this is the promise of the Lord for an abundant, prosperous life, which I will live to his glory.

Peeps, the only party I intend to have on this is a Victory Dance – no pity party. When Jesus said ‘It is finished’, it was. This is but a mild affliction and this too shall pass.

Counting on your support…


Our human response to disease of any kind at one extreme is denial, secrecy or a sense of shame which may lead to despair at the thought of dying. It’s as if one has failed by ALLOWING this to happen. Irrationally, I believe in the quote below…along with the concept of being a Strong Black Woman

Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed.  If I fail, no one will say, “She doesn’t have what it takes.”  They will say, “Women don’t have what it takes.”

– Clare Boothe Luce

And so I set about a strategy to deal with my situation and define the rules of engagement which required wisdom and holy intervention.
I was determined that I was not going to wallow in self pity.

March 1 2010 at 6:40pm

Went to appointment as planned ….nurse could not find the doctor for at least 40 minutes …

When they found a doctor I thought surely Satan you could have done better than THIS – the androgynous beast approached with a grimace on her face…..

….she screamed my name. “Yes, Good Morning” I responded with a smile on my face, bum barely on the chair. She says “It’s bad news” …I smile…I say “What?” “The tumour is malignant”…She does not know “Tests have to be done, but everything is pointing to bad news” I say ‘Really? When will the test be done?” They’ve referred me to the specialists….. “On Wednesday 3rd of March between 2 and 4”.

I asked if I had misunderstood the intention of the meeting and they said I had not but they had decided to refer me on….I asked for copies of the results and left …..

Bottom line was this morning was a waste of time in the natural…but in the spiritual realm not so …your prayers have started to change things …

I’m praying at 00:00 for (at least 15 minutes) the next 3 days for the Holy Spirit to remove all that is not of God from my system such that any tests that are performed are subsequently found to be negative…..if you can join me – please do ……


I’m really grateful for all your support.


March 2, 2010 at 9:09pm
My darlin’ friends it’s not in the noise making that we will win this battle but in the sincerity of heart with which we rise up to fight and the clarity of our authority to command things to change …

I hear Pops is proud of us making a stance like this …..

I’m just so grateful I can call on you in my time of need…..My Father in heaven will surely reward you ….

March 3 2010 at 11:11am
Hi everyone …thank you sooooo much………going to the Hospital @15:00….just to hear what they have to say ….will let you all know later …..

Thanks for all who are praying at 0:00 GMT we have one more night to go….

My testimony will be that they could not find anything when they run the tests.

I am getting tired easily as I cannot eat and the weight of my swollen stomach (full of water) is making me uncomfortable – have to lie down …otherwise I’m well…

Speak to you all later …..

March 3, 2010 at 9:47pm
My heart is overjoyed at the faithfulness of my God …I cannot stop singing in my spirit….

Its been suggested that we break bread as a family …please see Pillars’ Wall for instructions …

I love you all so dearly ….words fail me …but my God WILL reward you …watch out !!!

March 4, 2010 at 7:33pmThanks everyone. Been a long day….the battle is not over yet …we must continue to pray …will keep you posted …hospital yet to confirm when I need to go in…

Please pray for me as I’m weary….Will be at home most of the day tomorrow catching up on healing scriptures and singing my Yoruba praise and worship songs…..

Saints, pls pray for 3 ladies who I’ve met recently along this journey regarding Breast Cancer, a growth in the eye and Lupus…..WE will all celebrate together…..

I’m honoured to have you all as Pillars of support and do not take this lightly….


I’ve always known that patience is not a virtue I possess…but boy did I learn to be patient during this trial…in cases like this there is just nothing you can do but WAIT!!!!

Impatience translates itself into a desire to have something immediately done about it all, and, as is generally the case with impatience, resolves itself in the easiest way that lies ready to hand.

– Edward Sapir

I found solace in updating my friends and family ….Over the next few days these were my postings…
March 5 at 2:31pm
Be still my beating heart only the counsel of the Lord will stand concerning you …just got a call fast forwarding my diagnostics via private health for Monday…..not sure if to accept or wait on NHS
March 7 at 3:14pm
Hi dear friends…

Thanks for all your support I’m indebted to you all….especially to all of you who I’ve never met and have joined to support me. I lift you up before God for a special treat and know he is faithful to meet your every need.

A few of you know I’ve been unable to eat, but praise God I had a bit of food this weekend.

My stomach is still bloated and now giving me back ache – but I believe this is only for a short while… God’s healing will manifest soon….My right leg for instance is back to normal.

I’m not going to work next week (yes, that’s right) a darling friend has blessed me financially so my pay- as- you- go excuse does not hold water ( I contract on a daily rate and only get paid if I work). For those of you who know me well, you know I’m proud in a good way…. I’m allowing this experience to humble me so God can touch me and work with, through and on me…. I’ve had estranged friends show up to support and ex-boyfriends pledge allegiance… I have definitely learnt the true meaning of friendship……

I go into Hospital on Tuesday by his grace and will make sure you are all kept informed….

Each of you with your messages, calls, texts, songs and scriptures have turned what was meant for my downfall into a learning experience…..and opportunity to test my belief in God and prove him….

I assure you He gives you PEACE to deal with situations like this which are not readily comprehensible humanly. I’ve been accused of being in denial by some well meaning people …but because I have been insistent that all I need is prayers even my Atheist Boss has promised to pray – I have promised to deal with her after this…

Let’s not underestimate the power of Praise…therein lies our Victory and will indeed be the theme of our Dance….

Shalom, my Pillars of Support…. God is my strength and you my support …I’m truly victorious!!!!


March 8 at 11:33am
Morning All

I’m BORED!!!!!…just found out Hospital Appointment is Thursday for 1 night only now ….not sure why ….but guess God IS in control…my message over the weekend was BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD ….

Thanks for all your prayers …I woke up Hungry this morning…a VERY good sign for me ….don’t really eat normally….

Just wanted to say – thanks for being at the other end of this message….it’s a great comfort to know I have a reliable God and dependable friends….



I read this today and it resonates with my recent experience so perfectly. You can find the original at http://www.holyangels.com

To a Black Woman who finds God, “God is understood as a partner in life rather than a distant observer.”

Understanding the divinity within, Black women set themselves free.  That freedom comes from aligning oneself with the Holy Spirit. 

It is the Black Woman’s faith in God that helps her deal with the injustices, imbalance, losses and sickness / disease in life. 

God within the Black Woman forces her to heal.  Her active participation in her healing is fuelled by the fact that she knows the well-being of her family rests on her revival.  This revival of the soul allows the Black Woman “…to be made whole—to be the continuation of the Black past and builders of the Black future.”

This internal spirituality, ensuring that the Spirit is kept within, pushes the Black Woman forward.  It is this sense of a personal God, one who speaks clearly, that keeps the Black Woman pressing on.

To fully grasp the Black Woman’s sense of the Divine, one must first understand her roots.  Rooted in a culture (African Diaspora) that recognizes the connection of all creation, the Black Woman understands that there is something greater than herself.  She also realizes that her ability to rise comes not from her, but the Divine in her who promises her long life and prosperity.

This was my message to the Pillars on the 9th of March 2010

March 9 at 9:42am
A few of you have commented on my Faith…and how you feel challenged…as they are not sure they would have done what I have …call on people to support them like this ….

I would like to share something with you all….

Outwardly I appear altogether – know what I want when I want it and if I want it.

Some of my friends describe me as bold, assertive, opinionated, blunt, principled , stubborn , and I know some of you refer to me as “Thatcher “ as I do not suffer fools gladly….

The reality – on one hand I’m venerable, easily hurt – quite deeply and extremely wary of people, have sometimes unrealistic high expectations of myself and on the other playful, mischievous, naughty and adventurous.

Over the years I have come to know God as my Father – I approach him for counsel and guidance….Pops when I’m being playful and mischievous…Daddy…when I need a shoulder to cry on or want something …

My friends who have heard me pray are amazed and amused at the unorthodox way I relate to God but therein lies the key – I have a relationship with him that suits my temperament, character and perspective on life….

I acknowledge his majesty, his awesomeness and reverence as the I AM…I believe his every word and promise to me …I know he cannot and will not leave me ….and on that basis I feel safe in his arms and can do all things I purpose to do ….which is why I make seemingly crazy requests and get responses…ask for outlandish outcomes and they come to fruition and know without a shadow of doubt that I am the apple of his eye…..

So when something threatens my life – the life given to me by God …claimed for by the blood of Jesus and managed by the Holy Spirit– knowing who I am in him – the only sensible thing is to run to him….but then he has equipped me to walk in the authority of my relationship with him and left instructions on how to be victorious…given me brothers and sisters who can support me…angels I can command to do as I decree…and the confidence to understand that it’s okay to be …bold, assertive, opinionated, blunt, principled, stubborn , and not suffer fools gladly….especially at this time….

As you can see it’s not by my might or power but by the Spirit of the Lord of Hosts (Zechariah 4: 6) that I can boldly claim my inheritance through Christ …..

The challenge my friends is to know God in a way that makes sense to you so YOU can confidently stand in the time of trouble….

SELAH !!!!


After all the too-ing and fro-ing …finally went into hospital to have a biopsy of the mass in my stomach…there was not much to say really so my messages were as follows….

March 10 at 1:29pm
Hi Folks …conceded to going Private – Long Story will let you know….so going in tomorrow…

Good thing is I have a room to myself so we can pray and declare our Victory before during and after …..

The consultant is Mr Mark George …I’m praying and believing that he will declare the WONDER of our God as he will be astounded by the MIRACLE that is my expectation….

I know you have all been praying …now we need to claim our Victory with Praise and Worship unto the most High….

I go in at 09:00 and will stay for the night ….

I love you all so dearly – thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!!


March 13 at 4:35pm
Sorry could not keep in touch…went in as planned on Thursday Morning..

My 3 legged Consultant finally appears at about 10:00 – having broken his leg and on crutches …I asked if this was not a ‘Physician,-Heal-thyself-case’…and who was going to shimmy over to whom so we could talk…..

He explained I’ have a drain put in to remove the excess liquid in my stomach and a biopsy of the mass in my pelvis….and he’d see me on his scooter later…

The Radiographer came at about 15:00 which gave my friends and family ample time to possess the room, staff and healing of other patients on the ward…we made such a holy racket….

The drain is the nastiest procedure I have ever had to live through – never again in Jesus Name…I had 6 liters of bloody fluid (nope I’m not swearing) removed and my tummy is still not yet empty …apparently taking anymore out might make my body go into shock…

The biopsy site is still soooo painful ..I was told that’s because the muscles have been bruised….

They also discovered my HB level was 6.  The norm is 12….this is where I begun to understand that my confession “God is my strength“ has sustained me over the weeks …I have never felt faint or unable to do anything when in the natural I should have keeled over….

I had to have a blood transfusion…I jokingly asked the nurse where the blood (as they were Vampires in the Hospital) was from and she asked me to sanctify it …. We all laid hands on the blood and the transfusion began…same for bag 2 …by bag 3 (around midnight) another nurse asked if I wanted to pray on the blood which I did (word or the noise had gotten around) …I reacted to the blood and had to take Piriton so decided to stay another night to make sure I was okay….

This gave me the opportunity to read Job and put myself in his position…more importantly to hear God’s take on the situation…I’m thanking God for his mercy …… as the nurses pulled out the drain (without anaesthetic)…my muscles reacted by clamping on the tube which made it an excruciating experience …I asked myself what I had done to deserve this…reading Job helped me deal with the fact that God will reward me for all I have gone through…and that is all that matters right now …

Sorry could not update you early was bed bound for most of the time …back home now …waiting for the results next week …WE KNOW WHOSE REPORT WE BELIEVE….

Love you all Lots …..

At this point was still unsure about the next steps but knew the mass needed to be extracted …I can honestly say not much was going through my mind regarding the whole scenario ….somehow it all felt surreal.


The Wikipedia definition of Emotion….

Emotion is the complex psycho physiological experience of an individual’s state of mind as interacting with biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences.

The basic emotions I’d felt up until this time were Trust, Anticipation and Hope in God as my Healer…never anything negative yet I cried.  It’s postulated that crying is both an arousing distress signal and a means to restore psychological and physiological balance…with hindsight I was stressed and in denial of my physical needs.

But I guess I’m wired to deal with issues and take control…but by this stage I was playing the waiting game … and feeling out of control… remember for me this is not on ….I’m a Strong Black Woman……

Alas true Strength is about dealing with your emotions, not bottling them up……
The perception of strength as Black Women keeps us centred, and focused. It allows us to be the pillar of strength for those around us….but it also keeps us sick, with high blood pressure from stress, taking on more than we can manage, not eating right, and anxiety.

At some point there has to be a balance. There has to be a release for the Black woman. We need to accept that bottling up emotions, fears, anxieties, etc is not healthy.

Accepting that you are ill does not take away your strength; it only means that you are aware that you may need medical attention. Seeking help does not make you any less a believer or not trusting of God but a smart woman seeking to understand what is happening to be able to make an informed choice.

I’m not promoting total reliance on emotions. I am promoting Black women getting the help they need, if there is a need for it and not seeing it as a sign of weakness – whatever the scenario.


March 16 at 12:32pm
..had a terrible night …did not sleep at all…I actually cried unto God for Mercy …but felt weird doing so as I do not know him as One who desires that we suffer and grovel for His attention….

Thank you all for your prayers. As the pain occupies me I can only listen to praise and worship…woke up singing along with the CD yesterday evening….

Sorry if I cannot take calls …too weak to talk – a first indeed for me ….but I do try to take the international ones….

My girlfriends have formed a nanny service with someone ever present to ensure I’m comfortable – I’m so grateful …..

Apparently the natural healing process for internal wounds takes quite a while but I should be okay by the end of the week….when our report as decreed will be NEGATIVE …..

I cannot tell you the countless text messages, phone calls and words of encouragement that have flooded my life these last few days…

My friends’ children have marveled me the most – calling to see if I’m okay ….the sweetest of all was when my 3-year old niece called her 5 year old brother to the kitchen to ask – ‘what’s wrong with auntie Lide?’ (they call me Auntie Laide)…and he said ‘She’s not feeling well….

I asked them both to lay hands on me and pray and high five me …my brother has nicked-named them Goodness and Mercy …so now I have both Goodness and Mercy at my right hand to use as I require….

I am so looking forward to the Victory Dance – got my dress sorted peeps ….you should too……


March 18 at 3:58am
I had a funny day yesterday – in and out of pain…throwing up and being uncomfortable….Sensing that our Victory is nigh ….my adversary has run out of tricks to play …..

I’m calling up for my results today 18/03/10 and believe that our decree has been honoured and as such ask that we only PRAISE and WORSHIP from now on …

Please use Psalms 94 as the Victory Foundation especially v: 16 – 23…and then Psalms 95 – 105 …..

Will let you know as soon as I do …..again, thanks a million for your support…..


March 19 at 9:37am
First apologies for going quiet yesterday …

A big apology to all who called and sent text messages …just could not physically deal with them ….finding it difficult to keep food down yet have pain killers to take …..so I’m in and out of sleep most of the day ….and very cranky :0) – at least that’s normal ….

Thank you all for your concern …the conflicting advice is amusing …I get: ‘put a cold compress on your tummy’ … ‘No, a hot one’… ‘Make sure you walk around’ … ‘Ensure you sit in one place’ …. ‘Sleep, oh’ … ‘Don’t sleep’ …..

I spent the greater part of the morning chasing the 2 Private Consultants in charge of my case for the results …each claiming the other had them…their PAs saying they were in clinic….

Intermittently I’d speed redial them to see if they’d pick up …finally the Gynae Oncologist picked up at 16:26 …we spoke for 41 seconds most of which I spent apologizing for the numerous messages on his phone …to which he responded I’ll call you back in 30 mins – just looking through your results …….

Have not heard from him since …..

I can only trust that God has definitely dealt with them and they are confused….

In the meantime, let the rejoicing and worship continue ….

—————————————————————————————————————-After a longer than expected stay in Hospital, I came back home barely able to walk. My mum had arrived a few days before and I felt so sorry for her… as a mother to witness her child going through all this… but at least we’d come through it …..
I remember the drive from the Hospital, my Church had organized for me to be dropped off at home… I looked at the people walking on the streets minding their own business, oblivious to me and my emotional reunion with the outside world… stepping into my house… I was overwhelmed to be back…
A lot had happened while I was away so to speak… in the hospital l had not had access to a TV or Radio and so I was attempting to catch up with reality… I had just made it home for the World Cup opening ceremony……..


June 11 at 3:01pm

My darling prayer family… may I take this opportunity to thank you for my life… but for you all… the plans of the enemy would have come to fruition. I came home yesterday after 9 weeks in hospital… just weighing 48kg… a shadow of myself but filled with gratitude that I have a second lease of life…

Seriously, thanks especially to all the families with young children who prayed for me… my spiritual children are very dear to me… many times I lay in bed and prayed for them especially that no harm will ever befall them and that our God will surely reward their labour of love… The gratitude I feel cannot be expressed verbally… to my God who was the core pillar of my life… I’m indebted with the very life you have given me… to all who have prayed my God will surely reward you…

May this phase of my life be more productive for the kingdom than the last in the mighty name of Jesus. In the coming days, I’ll fill you in but all I can say is we need to get our praise on… Because we have indeed been victorious… even though our prayers turned the tide and the report shifted from cancerous to benign the consultants are still insistent I have chemo… not my portion…

I’m concentrating on getting sinews and fat around me bones over the next few days… so please, please no guests… getting as much rest and food down me as physically possible… although I will be looking out for that wretched cat …

Love you all very much


June 11 at 6:13pm

Watched the opening ceremony of the games and was touched by the song…..

I can see the colors of the rainbow,
and I can feel the sun on my face,
I see the light at the end of the tunnel,
and I can feel heaven in its place,
and that’s the sign of a victory (x2)

I can feel the spirit of my pillars of support
and I can feel my wings ridin’ the winds, yeah
I see the finish line just up ahead
and I can feel it risin’ deep within
and that’s the sign of a victory (x2)

If we believe, we can achieve anything including the impossible this I know so let’s lift up our heads and raise our Praises unto God and scream like you know we have won !! that’s the sign of a victory (x4)

When you keep on fightin’, after you lost your strength that’s the sign of a victory
when darkness is all around you, you still find your way that’s the sign of a victory
come on and sing, lift up your voice and sing, stand up, oh yeah, stand up
sign of a victory ooooohh ohh ohhhh

Rest is a good thing, but boredom is its brother – Voltaire

The Structure of Boredom as described by Thomas C Oden (1969) in his paper Structure of Awareness is depicted in a diagram at the link indicated.

Ignoring the causal loops numbered (6) and (7)….”..The self (1) relates to the now or present actuality in the mode of immediate experiencing (2). When that present (3) is symbolized as being devoid of values regarded as necessary for one’s existence, one experiences boredom (5). Boredom is the awareness that the essential values through which one fulfills himself are not able to be actualized under these present circumstances….

As Black Women it’s a stereotypical cliché that we somehow manage to creatively cope with stressful situations….some may even say that we are the epitome of stress…a debate for another time – but accommodating Stress has always been my way of dealing with Boredom…but here I was bored and anxious and dare I say …with hindsight…experiencing a sense of guilt ???

June 17 at 2:57pm
Finally getting to sleep at night …though I’m bored during the day ….Mum and I fast becoming football fanatics…

My peeps …just had to moan …all you fashionistas know the sales are on right now ….for me …don’t have a clue what’s going on …not physically fit to survey the terrain and do what I do best – discount shop…naw online shopping does not cut it …and anyway the trick is knowing what’s out there before the sale ……

Yet again I am reminded of those things I took for granted prior to this trial …I have clothes shoes and bags that if sold will feed a small village for over a year …and those are the ones I’m yet to wear …..yet my heart skips a beat at the thought of the goodies I’m missing out on …..

I pray I am able to use this experience to focus on what really matters in life from now on …my physical body is sooo drained ……from lack of exercise, food and nourishment and this has made me wonder about my spiritual body – after all we’re not to live by bread alone ….but how much of the word do I truly feed my body with …thank God that he is merciful and does not give us what we truly deserve…and more importantly that its not about our works ….but not withstanding I’m looking for reading material to further strengthen my perspective of God ……

I’m stuffing myself as much as I can …for those of you who know me well…that means my bird size meal portions are increasing …would appreciate suggestions re high calorie foods I can binge on …p.s: no milk based stuff thanks…

Loving you all more and more each day …as, if not for your support – where would I be …..

So I try to get creative  to deal positively with how I’ m feeling …the sense of having been  given a second chance is overwhelming and probably best expressed with the poem below:

A Second Chance
I’ve been given another chance, a second life to live.
A rebirth has occurred, transgressions I forgive.
I now notice songs from birds, how sweet to the ear.
The flash of hummingbird’s wings, as they dance and disappear.

~No more sorrow, no more grief.
~No hesitation, life’s too brief. ~

Or how about your feelings, when you hear your favourite song?
Or a lover’s first kiss, you’ll know if it is wrong.
I now see the all the colours, I never saw before.
My heart has been softened, as God opened up the door.

~No more sorrow, no more grief.~
~No hesitation, life’s too brief.~

I’m not the same as before, no more hatred or bad will.
I love to watch the world now, sitting on my window sill.
God has made me whole now, and He’s given peace.
That is what I pray for you, and your troubles to all cease.

~No more sorrow, no more grief.~
~No hesitation, life’s too brief.~
Author notes
Sgt B (Ron Britton) – Written April 16th 2007

June 23 at 11:13am
Hi all …I’m writing today with a heavy heart filled with both gratitude and sadness….2 people (close to some of those praying for and with me) fighting their own battles with illness died (don’t like that word – passed on to a better place)….yet I also know of 2 others (and myself) who have been victorious over the same time span…
Indeed your ways are not necessarily clear to us oh lord but you know best and are God…a good one in that..
Please pray peace into the lives of all affected…I look around me and a filled with a sense of I could easily not have made it…
Saw Consultant yesterday he said final biopsy was malignant hence the need for chemo – somehow I don’t believe him more in my spirit than anything else….have asked him to confirm pathology to my GP and conceded to meet with the Oncologist for him to advice me on chemo.
Please stand with me as I seek Gods will regarding this next stage – honestly I aint feeling it as I know my God has healed me…but as in all this Lord I submit to your counsel as I KNOW you alone hold me up and assure my good health….

On a cheerier note…I’m able to wear skinny jeans and my Ed hardy tops and trainers- and thank God for the sun – sunglasses and look like a size 0 model (so my neighbour said) – just need to get my nails , eyebrows and exchange my long wig for a weave – on then I’m good to go ……
Basking in the knowledge that I have you all supporting me and God supporting us all…Shalom

P.s: Ladies ONLY – who knows where I can get padded pants and bras – in desperate need of support in those areas -only serious replies pls – in box me

So I’m out of Hospital …not knowing what to expect …not even thinking about what next …just basking in the fact that I was out of Hospital…..and now having to deal with the notion of Chemotherapy !!!!…

Looking back now I always had my life mapped out …I’d plan and organize stuff well in advance …with not a care that my tomorrow would not actually come …I arrogantly assumed it would…..As usual I’d arranged to go to New York for a few days with a friend – ticket and accommodation all sorted in August 2009.

So here I am July 2010 looking so frail and ill…a normal person would  just accept their lot and concentrate on getting better …Me …Oh No ….I get on the internet and arrange wheel chair support for the flight – God Bless Virgin ….and a Scooter to act as my feet in Manhattan – aint no stopping me at all….

My friend Ruth (who is about the only person I can travel with, without the usual companion drama) went with me …and I can tell you we had the time of our lives…I ran over her toes a few times before I got the hang of the Scooter and we had loads of laughs when people gasped in amazement when I’d venture out of the chair to reach for something on the top shelf in a store….and getting stuck on the zebra crossing as the lights changed was classic…I just sat there watching the cars zoom towards me …unable to get up and run …until a gallant passerby dragged both scooter and I to safety…….what touched me the most was when we got on the subway – wrongly identifying the station we were going to as having disabled access we got off the train before we realized it didn’t …loads of people ignored our dilemma except a strapping Latino man who carried the Scooter up the stairs for us….honestly there are a FEW good people out there…there really are…..

Poignantly I learned on that trip never to take things for granted….it so easy not to realize how hard everyday things are for those with a disability…..

After 4 nights out there I came back weak and tired but able to pull a face at the devil …you CANNOT stop me…..no matter what you try…I kept my friends updated by daily status updates….and came back to the reality of the doctors and nurses and even my carers going on about the need for Chemotherapy…and everyday livingJuly 26 at 12:03pm
Sorry for the long silence….

What we know from the word of God ….Knowing who God is …is what saves our lives but then Understanding who you are in God is crucial…to claim his promises….I am so grateful that I did not die …and thankful that I had you all at my time of need..

What’s really touched me is the continued love of my friends and family – especially the guys…always believed its difficult for men to express themselves…but my male friends have proven me wrong…they have sent me words and scriptures of encouragement and chosen to speak to me about my situation and to get up dates (on the phone and funny enough none of those who have called are in England)….after my conversations with one yesterday …I smiled and said this is why God made man and woman so different…our perspectives bring balance to a situation…

He was concerned about the big issues that are a consequence of my not being able to work and still requiring treatment…while it’s not like I’m not concerned – have handed it over to God …I was telling him about the blessings of those who were sending me groceries or turning up with food etc …and about pining for another pair of shoes (I know I’m an ADDICT)….
Please continue to pray with me re the next step as I’m being advised – STRONGLY- now to have chemo…so it does not come back……I KNOW I’m healed …in fact I have been made WHOLE…..and so don’t want to – for me it’s as if I don’t believe God has healed me if I do…

I’m seeking His face for a sign re His will…what the spirit has reminded me is I have AUTHORITY to trample on serpents etc and by no means will their poison harm me….Chemo is poison and I claim that scripture regarding chemo…..the regime proposed causes hair loss and may affect my nails….have told the devil …he will not take my hair ….I’ll cut it off first – cant take what aint there …and I’ll paint my nails black !!!…wont see what he’s up to….

I’ve asked to have the chemo at home (delay strategy) so have been referred to a private oncologist will meet him this week ….God will go before me and make my way smooth…will keep you posted…

I’m slowly but surely getting fatter by the day…gonna take time…but I’m on the road to recovery…thank Victoria (wink wink girls..it’s a secret…pun intended) for my uplift in front and Caroline for my rear end support…

Love you all dearly…God’s favor is yours now and always in all you truly desire to accomplish….from my heart to yours……

The reality of having Cancer  and getting rid of the source if possible …is that there is no guarantee that you can get it all – hence the need for Chemotherapy…the thought alone is soo scary ….and there I was a frail shadow of my former self….trying to get back to my world…

You just have to accept the offer to TRY – and add more years to your life ….and  determine not to let it phase you…

August 7 at 1:28pm
Hi all …a quick one …still seeking his face re Chemo – Consultant on holidays for 2 weeks …will meet up when he gets back…

Must confess I’m going crazy – don’t know how those who choose not to work cope with just being at home …not funny at all….ignore and forgive my rambles on FB…I no get work …:0)…ps cannot bring myself to buy “The” shoes…am i finally cured of my addiction ???

What is breaking my boredom is the love from you all in different ways – be it a phone call, text or inbox message …2 in particular have made me stop and think…a friend asked who had supported me the most during my recent trials and I said the MacMillan Nurses – she’s taking part in a charity run to raise funds for them ….pls support her with whatever you can …the truth though as I told her is that my Pillar folks have supported me the most but only God can and will reward you all…cut and paste the link below…

Another Sister sent me this and it just dramatises my trial and Gods role in my Victory …thanks for being in the crowd cheering me on …..Knowing you’re all there gives me such strength and hope and a sense of being a winner ….Love you all lots …cut and paste the link below….
August 24 at 1:20pm
No excuse for the lack of communication…in a way it’s a good sign I’m not dwelling on my state of health…have been busy looking for work and avoiding Shoe Sales…

Now totally bored and frustrated …NEED to get back to work….

I start Chemo on Thursday…this week …cannot wait for it to be all over….spoke to my Pastors Wife the other day and she described me as Fearless throughout this trial …if I’m so it’s because I know who to fear – thanks to Pastor Kofi’s teaching and my experiential knowledge of the Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – what joy to truly know the role they play in my life…

Thought yesterday that I’m Spirit Body and Soul (mind)…while my body was attacked…my Spirit took control and took over my mind and so I am Victorious… but the key is that my Spirit is not alone and therefore understanding that indeed greater is he who is within me than anything else both my Spirit and Soul could align… even my body is responding to the my beliefs – I weighed 48kg when I left hospital …..i’m now 57.4 kg…..feeling quite cool with my revelation knowledge …the devil asked me to use my “theory” to explain why my little cousin is seemingly having mental health issues…

I broke it down for him …you attacked her mind…and therefore her manifestations are of hallucinations and ramblings…depression, anxiety etc are all Spirits …but note through it all …she is sane enough to ask for help…I believe her Spirit is being assisted by the Holy Spirit to resist…we her family will join with her to resist you and you will indeed flee – have not heard from him since….Please join me in praying for Kemi – that it will indeed be well with her …..

Will let you know re first Chemo …I am trusting God that no weapon fashioned or formed against me will prosper and I shall astound the clinical team by not exhibiting the symptoms they expect one on the drugs to.

Thanking you all again and again for all your support ……
August 27 at 7:07pm
24 hours on from my first Chemo session and I’m OKAY…was given the opportunity to SAVE my hair…decided against it …have asked God to please give me less nigger hair this time around …love the feeling of rubbing my hand over a bald head…lets see if i like it when the head is mine…cant wait for all the pixie styles i’ll be able to do….

Have had such a productive symptom free day …

Made breakfast for Mum and I

Booked myself on a conference and got £1400.00 pounds of discount – which I hasten to add was offered to me without me asking – and found out that by going a day earlier I save myself quite a bit on the flight …(that bit will be useful for window shopping and the extra day gives me the opportunity ) favour or what …

Applied for a few jobs…chased after others…

My old school girls meeting …which incidentally I started organising before I went into hospital and never made it to – raised £1500.00 for me which got sent to me to day…

Made lunch – we had iyan and efo …which I made from the raw ingredients – okay mum opened the plum tin…

Mum has been looking at me funny all day only to confess that her fellow nursing colleagues have been wondering how she’s coping as I’m supposed to be throwing up, feeling down and having diarrhoea – at least…feeling tired because even I know I’ve over done it at the computer today – actually missed come dine with me …but seriously I feel fine…keep placing my hand on my forehead… to check….

So all in all God has indeed been faithful as we expected he would!!!!…He sure has my back and makes a way when there seems to be a way …oh the joy you get when you serve the Lord.

Ps …I no go lie oh …I booked the Conference ASAP when he offered me the discount – some of my medication is known to cause hallucinations….


I look back at my exploits in September 2010 and know without a doubt that God was my source and that he sure loves me…I imagine him looking at me with a smile as only a parent can at a child bent on doing what they want to do not knowing the perils ahead…and as a loving father …ensuring my way is smooth by instructing that it is made so …without a word to me …

Indeed those who know their God – shall do exploits…..

September 9 at 3:50pm
Aside from flu like aches and pains and rashes all over my body which lasted 2 days – I reminded God that I was not going to have any adverse effects to the chemo and in 2 days my whole skin cleared up without medication…I’ve been fine…in fact over this same period …

I’ve been able to network for my conference next week and in the process been appointed co manager for an online discussion group

Managed to somehow get roped into writing for a magazine with regards my thoughts on the conference and trends in the specialist area

Finalised a bid proposal for a consortium of friends on a large high profile programme – which might mean I have some work in the future

Plan a once in a lifetime trip in November to celebrate a friend’s birthday with her – must share the testimony of that sometime…indeed all you need God has either given you or will give you when you ask…

The goodness of God makes me smile …this week alone I’ve heard from an ex boyfriend who was overwhelmed with the whole situation and just wanted me to know that he’s praying for me….(I was touched that he reached out) .another male friend who is gutted that he cannot bless me financially as things are tight (told him ..his concern and constant calls from Nigeria are priceless) and got a cheque from a dear brother – who apologized as he did not want me to be offended by the gesture) – Offended …this means I can stock up my larder…God is showing me – the cynic that that there are some good men out there…

It’s started – the hair loss…but girlfriends on a positive note those stubborn facial hairs go as well…no hairs are spared …:0)…funny enough had to shape my eyebrows yesterday they are still unaffected…must find a template to draw them in when they finally go …

I’m so Blessed…and grateful to God …as I told my ex – have been given a second chance and boy will I use it to the max …

Just been sent pictures of the New Bentley Continental GT…I’m in love !!!! …need to look out for a Sheik next week…wish me luck folks …

September 16 at 7:59pm
Day 0 I arrived safe and sound – thank God….felt fluey…luckily had stocked up on Lemsip at the airport and robb from my last trip to Nigeria…so it was my Kings Sized bed and Fox Movies and eating without etiquette in my room for the first night…Sofitel Jumeirah Beach Residence is a must guys if in Dubai….

Day 1…. One particular speaker gives talk bearing no resemblance to advertised session and then has the cheek to pass the mic round the room asking us what we’d learnt …trust me …told her I was still struggling with how to derive my revenue model…as I was looking forward to the session for insight…one bobo asked for his money back oh…and another told her off and told her to put together a session to address the things she had not covered….

Me starting to think – oh oh..Can’t really afford for this to have been a wasted trip…but remember how God had made a way for me to get there?

Knowing God had a plan I decided to stay focused…

Day 2 was definitely better…God showed up big time …I’d prayed that he would draw men unto me …did not want to have to make the first move…but had rehearsed what I wanted to get across and done some reading around key issues
…got there at 08:15 as the programme stated was told we start at 09:00 – no problem sitting jejely…this Japanese guy comes up to me and we get talking…I tell him my take on the conference issued and he gets excited and says we must do something together
…go to grab a coffee and this Pharmaceutical Consulting Company Head of Strategy comes up to me with his mate the Digital Director and asks if I want to work with them as an Associate. They are London based so I’ll meet up with them here in London. met the VP from a WHO network – a fellow Nigerian who I have said MUST open doors for me …we’ll be hooking up as soon as I sort myself out…also met a global advisor who is happy to come to Nigeria if I can set things up
Later that evening a girl at dinner promises to see if she can get me to a conference in Jo’burg – for free…at this stage I’m in awe of God he is indeed faithful….

Day 3
Jet lag taking effect….really tired so just did the first half of the day left after lunch…but boy was it a useful few hours…again – I kid you not …this Finnish man and I are at the buffet table he asks how I am…what I want to achieve…I go into my rehearsed networking intro…and he asks if I know some guy in the UK…nope…how he’ll link me up with him as he knows about getting funds to do projects in Africa….

I’m writing my action plan for when I get back and one of my new friends from Australia suggests a few next steps…I’m shocked and show him my notes – the same and more …God sure confirms his word….

Spent the rest of the afternoon spontaneously singing praises to God all day…just dancing about the room giving him Praise he is so sooo faithful to his word….I hope I don’t let him down….

I felt the need to boast of the Lords goodness…and to say oh taste and see that he is true to his word…I challenge anyone with a dream to set out in faith and watch him perform tangible miracles – eye has not seen nor ears heard…I’m scared…but know he’ll be there for and with me …so I’m stepping out …what about you??

Health wise I’m tired …as expected from travelling …but not much else…I now have bald patches on my head …and yes its soft and smooth – at least the hair could have fallen out systematically so I would have had a short back and sides style or a Mohican…oh well….Chemo Session 2 is on Monday – boring boring …

but to think that only a few months ago I was bedridden …and that my trip to Dubai in January could have been my last… and to hear of friends and peoples relatives who have passed away since I was diagnosed…all I can say is I owe you all BIG TIME…

Thanks for the continued support and prayers …I sincerely wish you all well and pray that my God who favours no one over the other will cause you to smile as I have over the last few days …I felt like a child in a sweet shop…no wrong analogy ….I was me in a discount shoe shop …finding my size – pure joy!!!!


September 30 at 8:07pm
…have reacting adversely to the chemo…a burning sensation runs through my veins especially at night so I have not been sleeping…but has the Lord been on my side or what?

I’m so blessed …been mulling over how to share this without the essence of what I need to share being misunderstood…but share I must and if I seem boastful – I boast of the goodness of my God …

Oh taste and see that nothing is too difficult for him and Yes – he hears even the murmurs of our hearts…..

Went to Dubai with the little I had left in my coiffeurs but trusted God that he would replenish as my project will bring glory to his name and an opportunity to be well looked after for his people….

Got back and there was not much food at home, mum and I planned each meal ignoring the dwindling options…people would call and ask how I was coping and id say – trust me when the cupboards are bare – God sends me actual food or money for food….I know he has my back… ….

So on Sunday when a friend visiting from Lagos came round and asked the same question – I gave him my standard response – he smiled reached for his cheque book – I teased him – you Naija people who walks around issuing cheques…anyway his cheque book was empty – we laughed about it and I thanked him for the attempt….he left with my bank details…

Monday I attempt to log into my account to pay my water bill and I am very confused at the figures before me …my friend had given me a gift of £5000.00… …Mum and I gave thanks to God…not only had my friend given me peace of mind for the next few months but he’d proven to us that God is indeed faithful….

A sister from church reminded me of my giving and asked why I was surprised that God was blessing me left right and center….I argued with her that I had never given to receive …I’d given more out of annoyance that when it came to the kingdom …people tended to hold back …and she reminded me of when I had given sacrificially – she worked in the treasury team and knew when I’d given an offering as my friend that I could not really afford it …it brought tears to my eyes that God would indeed remember me !!!

My challenge to you all is to honor what you know of God …for as you do so you store up blessings for yourself which will come in handy your time of need…..

I’m completely bald now ….but have been promised a bespoke wig…so watch out for my diva look in a few weeks time…although my soft bald head has been described as cute ….:0)…..

Please agree with me that the chemo will not continue to burn through my veins and that I will sleep soundly at night….


Continuing with life I updated the pillars so at the end of November 2010

November 2010

Sorry I’ve been under the Radar for sometime …I’ve been battling with the adverse reactions of the chemo and Mum left last week so I’m getting used to being home alone…its fine –  no offers to move in or take me in will be taken seriously …
Got back from Vegas yesterday and was out at a client’s scoping meeting this morning – how I did not rest my head on the desk and start to snore I’ll never understand…need to share my experience over the last few days …
Missed my Las Vegas – Los Angeles flight on Monday – long story …but while I was waiting at the boarding gate this man keeled over and died – I cried and begged God to spare him ..my thoughts being for those waiting for him at the other end …I felt sad for him that this was how it was going to end for him and sincerely hoped that he had accepted Christ as his saviour….life is so transient folks – if you’re not sure about your relationship with God – seek him and spend time with him and know that you are His…don’t think so – KNOW so !!!!
Scoping meeting this morning was a follow on from my Dubai connection – remember the Consultant who asked me to join him as an Associate (the phrase “I promised to draw all men unto Thee” just dropped into my spirit. Thank you faithful dependable Father) called and asked if I’d go to see the client with him and if successful would I lead the project? …I said “Yes” on both counts
Paul – the Consultant guy offered to pick me up at home – which he did… on the way in the traffic we got talking and I told him about the airport guy and my concern for him …then he asked me what I’d been doing all year and I told him my story…he could not believe it …and I shared the fact that I’m a Pentecostal Christian with him and how my faith to stand had come from God and all of you …he’s either a Christian or a believer not too sure of himself  because he asked me a lot about Pentecostal Churches and kept saying things like: “this was meant to be…”
Anyway we have the meeting – I spoke only twice if you ignore the “Hello” and “Good bye” and Paul could not stop saying how relevant my questions were and how the client was suitably impressed – I guess I opened my mouth and the Holy Spirit gave me utterance …..but more excitingly, as we were leaving the building we met the head of legal affairs and they started talking… I stood looking at her and said to the holy spirit – she looks so sad – hope she’s okay …Paul then asked her how she was and she said her dad had just been diagnosed with Cancer… Holy Spirit asked me to say something and I was like: “have not been introduced to her yet ????…” Paul then says: “Ruth, this is Yvonne…she’s got a wealth of experience n the NHS…” and I added: “and with Cancer – I go for Chemo tomorrow”. You should have seen her face… “But you look so well” she said. I said: “That’s because I refuse to acknowledge it in my life”. Told her I was wearing a wig and could take it off to prove my point….I was able to advice her on how to support her dad and seek private intervention ASAP……Paul thanked me in the car – saying it was destined to be that we met up with Ruth as we’d arrived 30 mins late for the meeting…told him it was the least I could do …
You know the drill folks – please join me in praying for a miracle for Ruth’s dad…I know I’ll see her again and want to be able to tell her that we prayed …but more importantly about our loving Father who gives us hope….
Vegas was a blast from the perspective of party – will gist you when pictures are available…but VERY evident why it’s called “sin city”…so sad….
Off to chemo tomorrow – hope I’m considered fit as I have a sore throat – Vegas was COOOOOLD…


Oh what a Year !!!

It’s a Year today (13/05/2011) that I had the mass removed. A year today that I was given a second chance….from today I have 2 birthdays as I will NEVER forget 2010.

Thinking about it brings mixed emotions…none of which are regret…I am definitely a better person for my trial…I have learned of God’s power, wisdom, and sovereignty in this world…

My penultimate note to the Pillars was:

Finally….I can say tomorrow is my last Chemo Session …..

Have mixed feelings as its finally ALL OVER NOW…and I have to get back to reality…but I must say …I feel honored to have been tested this way…

I now know what I know about God as a matter of fact and not just from what I hear or have read about him….

Boy can I tell of his mercies and his grace and his faithfulness…

I cannot thank you all enough for being with…all that remains now is OUR Victory Dance….I will definitely keep you all posted….

My Christmas Gift to you all is that My God shall surprise you with the desires of your heart as you seek him for one thing this season …Please ASK, believing you receive and he is faithful  – as no good thing will he keep from you….

I’ve made some brilliant friends through all this and I thank God….I have heard some heart wrenching stories which have given me prayer points…some of you as you have stood with me have yourselves had issue to deal with …I assure you I pray for and with you …My God is not a respecter of persons and will show himself strong if you seek him…I implore you to do so if you find that Life throws you more than you can physically handle….

Have a wonderful Christmas Break…not a Christmas person myself – I believe in celebrating Christ EVERYDAY and give more credence to Easter and its significance…..in fact roll on New Year…

I am indebted to you all – THANK YOU !!!!! from the bottom of my heart…I promise to live my life to the MAX !!!! giving of all that I have to make this world a better place ……



The beginning beckons…

Had an appointment – the first of many reviews on the 10th of January 2011 to see if the Chemo had worked….my final words to the Pillar were:

January 10 2011 at 8:07pm

Can’t believe it’s officially OVER !!!!!! ..have been so overwhelmed today – final report says it all – Everything normal …even my internal scars have healed well…it is indeed a miracle ..Yet my heart is heavy …

Heavy with gratitude that this story could have been so different …heavy with the thoughts of those who did not make it …heavy at the thought of facing up to my responsibilities in life – I’ve been so pampered and spoilt by you all… the illness, surgery and recovery is now a distant memory …but for the visible scars ..I’d honestly believe it’s all been a bad dream …or I was in a coma…

I cannot help but feel special and blessed and now need to prove myself worthy of such favour by making a BIG difference to at least one person’s life ….to the glory of God…

The blessings keep coming and its difficult to see all this as a bad thing that has happened to me …was waiting to be seen by the Radiographer on Friday – pondering my current financial situation …the bailiffs had come to the house on Thursday and promised to come back regarding my Council Tax bill…I’ve been wrangling with them since I got out of Hospital that this is not a WONT PAY issue but CANT PAY – for now scenario…as to be honest if I had the money they are not first on my list or priorities …and telling God that I knew he’d show up but could he tell me WHEN exactly …when a friend sent me a text promising me £1000, £300 of which she’d paid into my account …

.I could not cry and rejoice as I really wanted to ,..but with tears in my eyes I thanked her and narrated the story to another mutual friend who called me just after I’d responded to my friends text …my benefactor is therefore angry with me …and I hope she realises from this that I did so without malice ….

I can’t wait to get back to work …to be able to organise the Victory Dance….another motivational evening In His Presence …. And start to live my life in the abundance ordained for me …. Sitting on the bus coming back from the hospital …I was people watching and thanking God that I was not confound to my hospital room or bed…anymore…

This will be my last posting to the group…you have indeed been pillars of support – more than I could ever have imagined when I made the first call for support….there is no way I would have been able to get through this alone…..

Will keep you posted on the details for the Victory Dance well in advance ….Thank You ALL for your love and support these past 12 months…

The words of R Kelly have become my anthem song for this trial …http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEsEPZ0661c

I can see the colors of the rainbow,
and I can feel the sun on my face,
I see the light at the end of the tunnel,
and I can feel heaven in its place,
and that’s the sign of a victory (x2)

Yvonne ~ Warrior Princess

As I read this again I’m reminded of my birthday thoughts a few weeks ago – April 26th 2011 …I could not bring myself to party and prance about …my heart was full of gratitude to a God who had heard my cry for help….I prayed and prayed and ended up asking God to Bless himself……

I’m in such a good place now…don’t have a job, have debts to pay, feelings of frustration and depression come and go …but in it all I know of God’s promises to me and stand on them as I know without a shadow of a doubt that he is Faithful to keep his word…I am comforted by the ending of Job’s story……

Job was RESTORED, COMFORTED, AND BLESSED (Job 42:10-17)…and guess what folks he died at 140 years old …… he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation…My God is no respecter of persons…and he changeth not ..has he not said it …boy will he see it through…whatever your trial …Trust that he will see you through …

I strongly believe that there is an extra resilience gene in the DNA of us Black Women …implanted by our God who knew the terrain we would walk in this life …I don’t think it’s by accident that we as a race seemingly have a positive capacity to cope with stress and adversity and function better than expected as a people – my fellow Nigerians will understand where I am coming from …which is why I KNOW we are destined for greatness…and as such we must rise above the trials of life to be who God has ordained us to be ..the world NEEDS us….Be Black and Proud !!!!

Its been a privilege to share my journey with you all……

Yvonne – Warrior Princess

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